Thursday, 31 October 2013

Non-invasive/intrusive energy data logger

Easily connect the ENMAT Lite Data Logger to an existing pulse output meter.

For meters with a pulse output, an LED sensor which detects the flashing
usage light on the meter can be supplied with the ENMAT Lite Data Logger and connects directly into the
logger. This effectively turns any electricity meter into a ‘smart meter’.
  • Non-invasive/non-intrusive
  • No need to cut electricity supply for installation
  • No need for additional Smart Meters
  • Turns any electricity meter to a “smart meter”


Product Description
The ENMAT Lite Data Logger is a small but powerful Ethernet Data Logger unit supporting pulse outputs for a total of 3x meters. The unit support various energy types such as Electricity, Gas and Water simultaneously.
The data logger has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT Cloud based software via  a CSV file which is emailed once daily.
Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows  the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.
For more information please click here

Monday, 28 October 2013

ENMAT now provides more support for BMS (Building Management Systems)


ENMAT’s Energy and Carbon Monitoring solution now provides more support for BMS (Building Management Systems), other Smart Meter brands and Energy Data Collection and Aggregation.

ENMAT’ are continuously developing seamless integration solutions with BMS (Building Management Systems).
A Building Management System (BMS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. A BMS consists of software and hardware; the software program, usually configured in a hierarchical manner, can be proprietary, using such protocols as C-bus, Profibus, and so on. Vendors are also producing BMSs that integrate using Internet protocols and open standards such as DeviceNet, SOAP, XML, BACnet, LonWorks and Modbus.

ENMAT BMS Integration Solutions

ENMAT provides easy, noninvasive integration solutions where existing BMS systems are installed, allowing the customer to save further money by reducing further hardware and installation costs.

Existing Smart Metering Integration

If you have Smart Metering installed already, but are looking for a powerful software reporting tool then ENMAT can help.
ENMAT provide integration solutions for many existing Smart Meter types including Modbus, Analog, Digital and Pulse output meters to name a few.
ENMAT also has it’s own range of Smart Meters and Data Logging Equipment and therefore can integrate solutions at many levels.

Data Collector/Aggregation and Energy Supplier Integration

ENMAT not only provides sub metering solutions and systems integration with BMS (Building Management Systems), ENMAT also provide many Main metering (MPAN and MPR) solutions and integration with your Energy Supplier and or appointed Data Collector/Aggregation.
Monitoring your main Electricity and or Gas supply is an important step to understand your site’s total electricity/gas usage.
Contact ENMAT today to discuss your monitoring needs

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Smart meter warning to business

By April 2014, all Profile Class 05-08 electricity meters and all gas meters that annually use over 732,000 kWh must be replaced by a smart meter (AMR). Around 170,000 electricity meters and 40,000 gas meters will be affected by this UK legislation.

Businesses should take steps now to get smart meters in place rather than leaving it to the last minute. Making informed choices now not only avoids a last minute panic, but potentially also avoids businesses encountering some of the pitfalls attached to smart meters, particularly those offered for ‘free’. These could include paying four times as much for a smart meter solution, by not knowing which offers to take up and which to refuse.

However, businesses must remember there is no such thing as a free smart meter and there could be longer-term implications. Energy suppliers have to pay a metering company for the meter and recover the cost from the customer via the standing charge or unit rates. In reality, the customer may end up paying more than double the equivalent ‘purchase’ cost that the supplier pays.

Additionally, the customer may become locked into a contract with their energy supplier if they accept a free smart meter. The asset is owned by the supplier in this scenario and this could lead to problems if they wish to change supplier. Some energy companies may not take on other suppliers’ AMRs and there could be service issues. Some suppliers will not quote for new supply contracts if they have to take on existing smart meter liabilities. This reduces a business’s options within the energy supply market.

Some suppliers will also mark up the cost of providing data, not only passing on the charges that they incur from the meter operator, but also sometimes doubling them.

Other disadvantages are that the customer does not qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowances if their supplier owns the meter and any problems that they have need to be resolved by firstly the supplier and then the metering company, which can lead to delays in getting resolutions.

It is also more complicated to accept a supplier’s smart meter offer where there is a multi-site operation involved and where supply contracts may be in place with multiple suppliers at different sites operated by an individual company.

Visit the ENMAT Store for more information on our Smart Metering Solutions.