Monday, 24 November 2014

M-Bus Data Logger

M-Bus Data Logger

The ENMAT M-Bus Premium Data logger is a versatile Internet ready unit supporting 8 Pulse Inputs and 8 Analogue CT Inputs. It also supports Modbus RTU and TCP/IP communications.
The unit comes with 64 capacity channels via the MODBUS interface. An optional software upgrade to 128 Modbus channels is also available.
The data logger has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT Cloud based software via  a CSV file which is emailed once daily. Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows  the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.


M-Bus Data Logging

The M-Bus (“Meter-Bus”) is a new European standard for remote reading of heatmeters and it is also usable for all other types of consumption meters as well as for various sensors and actuators.
The M-Bus interface is made for communication on two wires, making it very cost effective. A radio variant of M-Bus (Wireless M-Bus) is also specified in EN 13757-4.
Various meter types and brands can be installed and co-exist in the same M-Bus network. The network is typically realised by the use of twisted pair cabling.
The connected meters are read out either by the M-Bus Master directly, where data are shown in the display, or by a reading program connected to one of the M-Bus Master’s communication ports.

M-Bus Data Logger Configuration


ENMAT Cloud Software Editions

M&T Software

Smart Meters


ENMAT Installation Services

Need help installing your hardware? ENMAT Installation Services provide complete peace of mind. Click for more information 

Friday, 21 November 2014



BAS integration System

ENMAT is designed as a standalone system, and also as an integrated BAS Solution to help customers understand their energy usage, energy costs and carbon emissions, without the need to remove the BAS solution. ENMAT can integrate with your existing BAS system, ensuring you can have the power of your BAS alongside a fully flexible and affordable Energy Monitoring Solution (ENMAT).
Among other BAS systems on the market, ENMAT can integrate with TREND, Johnson Controls, Cylon, Siemens and Schneider Electric.





A Building Management System (BMS) or a (more recent terminology) Building Automation System (BAS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems.

Modbus Data Logger

 32, 64 and 128 Modbus channel versions available.

Product Description
The ENMAT Modbus Premium Data logger is a versatile Internet ready unit supporting 8 Pulse Inputs and 8 Analogue CT Inputs. It also supports Modbus RTU and TCP/IP communications.
The unit comes with 64 capacity channels via the MODBUS interface. An optional software upgrade to 128 Modbus channels is also available.
The data logger has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT Cloud based software via  a CSV file which is emailed once daily. Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows  the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.

Modbus is an application layer protocol for communication between devices, mainly to exchange data typical for the field of automation.
Simple and robust, it has since become an industry standard communication protocol, and it is now a commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. 
Modbus is an open protocol, meaning that it’s free for manufacturers to build into their equipment without having to pay royalties.
Modbus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Versions of the Modbus protocol exist for serial lines (Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII) and for Ethernet (Modbus TCP).

Modbus Data Logger Configuration


Modbus Cabling Services


ENMAT Cloud Software Editions

M&T Software

Smart Meters


ENMAT Installation Services

Need help installing your hardware? ENMAT Installation Services provide complete peace of mind. Click for more information 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Water Data Logger


The ENMAT Lite Data Logger is a small but powerful Ethernet Data Logger unit supporting pulse outputs for a total of 3x meters. The unit support various energy types such as Electricity, Gas and Water simultaneously.

Using the pulse output of a water meter the ENMAT Lite Data Logger stores consumption information in either Meter Cubed, Cubic Feet or litres. This depends on water meter.

Monitoring metered water supplies improves the availability and accessibility to water-related information. Minimising use of water and applying sustainable solutions are key activities towards responsible management of resources.

Water consumption loggers take the guesswork out of high water consumption and will map your water usage, any misuse of water and, of course, water leakage.

The ENMAT Lite Data Loggerr has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT cloud based Energy Monitoring Software via a CSV file which is emailed once daily.

The logger also has simple built in web pages. For a live demo of the built in web pages please click here. Alternatively, powerful cloud based Energy Monitoring Software is available with this logger. For more information on ENMAT Cloud Based Energy Monitoring Software please click here

Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.

ENMAT has a wide range of Water Monitoring Software Charts to provide powerful reporting tools on your waters usage.

ENMAT can monitor metered water supplies, improving the availability and accessibility to water-related information.

ENMAT’s water monitoring solutions are ideal for water consumption intensive sites.

Water and energy efficiency are now a key part of commercial and government responsibility.

Using ENMAT’s Automated Alert Management system with monitoring water supplies will help you to identify any leaks, dripping taps or over-usage at an early stage.

ENMAT_MonitorFor a full list please click here

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Envantage are ESOS approved lead assessors

Envantage are ESOS approved lead assessors

If you would like help to assess your qualification, or how to meet ESOS compliance, please contact Envantage to discuss your requirements with a member of our team. Tel: +44 (0) 161 448 7722

The Environment Agency has now announced the first round of approved lead assessors for the impending Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). Envantage has successfully obtained lead assessor status in the first round and are able to work with you to deliver ESOS compliance and energy savings.

The scheme has a number of elements that must be completed by 5th December 2015 from energy data collection and quantification to full energy auditing. With less than 14 months to comply, action is recommended now in order to meet the ESOS legislation and benefit from potential energy saving opportunities. For more information on how we can help please contact Envantage to discuss your requirements with a  member of the team.

There has been some confusion over assessing qualification status and how to determine employee numbers. Please read below or click here for more information about ESOS and clarification on employees.

ESOS: Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
The ESOS is a mandatory energy assessments and energy savings identification scheme for large undertakings in the UK. Compliance under this scheme must be fulfilled by 5th December 2015, however action is recommend ASAP to allow ample time to carry out all elements required.

Do we qualify?
You will be mandated to comply with the ESOS regulations if, on the qualification date of 31st December 2014 you are:

1. A UK undertaking which has 250 or more employees in the UK or abroad

2. A UK undertaking which has fewer than 250 employees, but has: o An annual turnover exceeding €50m AND, o A balance sheet exceeding €43m

3. Part of a corporate group which includes an UK undertaking which meets criteria 1 or 2 above.

What must we do?
Compliance with ESOS can be met via an ESOS compliant evidence pack and lead assessor approval, or an ISO 50001 certified Energy Management System.

ESOS evidence pack route:
1. Measure total energy consumption across: a. Buildings, b. Transport- Freight and business travel in company and employees vehicles c. Industrial activities.

2. Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations.

3. Report compliance to the Environment Agency by 5th December 2015

Before notification to the Environment Agency, the ESOS assessment must be conducted or approved by a lead assessor and reviewed by a board level director.

ISO 50001 certification
A certified Energy management system results in ESOS compliance providing the certificate is valid on 5th December 2015, and covers 90% of total energy. Implementation of a certified Energy Management System allows significant energy savings to be realised and demonstrates a commitment to continual improvement.

What if we do not comply?
Failure to correctly comply with the scheme can lead to fines of up to £50,000 and / or an additional fine of £500 per day, until compliance is entailed, for a maximum of 80 days. Non complying companies will also be named and shamed.

Where can I find help?
If you think you may qualify for this scheme or you aren’t sure, please contact Envantage to discuss compliance in more detail. We can provide you with more details on how ESOS works and how we can help meet the requirements of the scheme. Tel: +44 (0) 161 448 7722

Download this email to PDF click here

ESOS: Clarification on employees
Criteria one of qualification under the ESOS regulations relates to the number of employees of an undertaking.

The information below provides clarification to on how to correctly assess your employee numbers in accordance with the ESOS rules:

What is an employee?
A person is ‘employed’ by an undertaking if they are: ·  An employee ·  An owner manager ·  A partner

What about part time staff vs full time equivalent?
An ‘employee’ is a person employed under contracts of service. Their contracted hours and status (full time/part time) are irrelevant to their classification as an employee.

Geographical location of employees
The definition of ‘employees’ includes any employees of a UK company regardless of their geographical location. As a result this includes all contracted staff, owner managers and partners employed directly by the undertaking in the UK or abroad. Companies do not have to include employees of subsidiaries or other group undertakings based overseas.

Calculating the average number of employees
The number of employees means the average number of persons employed by the undertaking in the year. To work out your average number of employees, you need to:

· Find the number of persons employed under contracts of service by the company for each month of the financial year (whether for the whole month or part of it) · Add together the monthly totals · Divide by the number of months in the financial year

If you would like help to assess your qualification, or how to meet ESOS compliance, please contact Envantage to discuss your requirements with a member of our team. Tel: +44 (0) 161 448 7722

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Britain’s first floating solar panel project installed


They have become a familiar sight on rooftops and fields across Britain. Now, solar panels are set to start appearing in a new and surprising location: floating on reservoirs.
Britain’s first ever floating solar panel project has just been built in Berkshire, in a scheme its developer claims will act as a blueprint for the technology to be installed at hundreds of sites across the country.
The 800 panel project is 200kw capacity and spans roughly an acre. Development was installed at a cost of £250,000.
One of the advantages of floating solar arrays is that, unlike their conventional counterparts, they need not use up valuable agricultural land and disrupt biodiversity.
Though the technology is new to Europe, it is tried and tested elsewhere. In Japan, floating solar arrays are seen as a key part of the future national energy mix. The land scarce country hopes to build a huge network of around 30 floating arrays, each capable of generating around 2MW of power.
India, meanwhile, plans to build the world’s largest floating solar plant. The colossal 50MW project is expected to cost $64-72m (£39.5-44.4m).
The International Energy Agency, has forecast massive growth for the solar industry, suggesting the sector could surpass all other sources of energy by mid-century.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Biomass to make up 60 per cent of global renewables use by 2030 – report

Biomass could make up 60 per cent of the world’s renewable energy use by 2030, according to new analysis, as well as providing 20 per cent of the global primary energy supply.
A recent report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), titled Global Bioenergy Supply and Demand Projections for the Year 2030, projected that biomass use around the world could grow to 108 EJ by 2030, double the current level.
The report found that biomass use is expected to change significantly by 2030. While traditional space heating and cooking methods such as burning firewood currently account for two-thirds of global use, a shift is expected to what the report termed modern biomass consumption, including growing use in the power and transport sectors and use in combined heat and power (CHP) applications for industry.
IRENA predicts that biomass use for power and district heating could reach 36 EJ, or one-third of total use, in 2030, while use in transport applications could climb to 31 EJ, or 29 per cent of total use. Heat for industry and buildings would reach 41 EJ, of which only 6 EJ would come from traditional methods.
The report estimated 2030’s global biomass supply potential at between 97 and 147 EJ per year, with around 40 per cent (37-66 EJ) coming from agricultural waste. Of the rest, 33-39 EJ would come from energy crops and 24-43 EJ from forest residues.
Asia and Europe (including Russia) boast the largest supply potential at around 43-77 EJ per year, the report said, with Asia producing residues and wastes (15-32 EJ) and Europe producing fuel wood (0.3-13 EJ) and energy crops (7 EJ). North and South America account for 45-55 EJ per year, constituting energy crops (around 7 EJ) and fuel wood (3 EJ) in North America, and energy crops in South America (16 EJ).

UN: more efficient equipment could save $350bn a year

A new UN initiative to effect a worldwide shift to energy efficient appliances and equipment could save $350bn a year and slash emissions by 1.25 billion tonnes.
The newly launched Efficient Appliances and Equipment Partnership is intended to promote the role of more efficient lighting, air conditioners, refrigerators, electric motors, ceiling fans, and distribution transformers, which could reduce global electricity consumption by 10 per cent if adopted across the planet.
Unveiled by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) yesterday, the public-private partnership also includes manufacturers, utilities, NGOs, and intergovernmental organisations, including the United Nations Development Programme, the International Copper Association, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
It aims to provide tailored assistance to governments for the development and implementation of national and regional strategies that facilitate the permanent transition to energy-efficient products.
Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director, said the launch is a step forward towards a “greener energy path” across the world.
“The shift to energy efficiency has become an imperative in today’s world where the demand for energy continues to grow. The current fossil fuel-heavy energy system challenges global climate change mitigation efforts,” he added. “Fortunately, energy-efficient technologies, the know-how and policy frameworks required to reduce CO2 emission levels to a level consistent with the 2°C target are available and ready for deployment. This new partnership will help implement and accelerate this process.”
The partnership builds on UNEP’s successful en.lighten initiative, a public-private partnership that counts ten countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 65 countries globally, as partners committed to phasing out inefficient incandescent lamps by the end of 2016.
Read more: Business Green

Friday, 29 August 2014

Multical 602 Heat and Cooling Meter


MULTICAL® 602 is an all-purpose energy calculator for heat and cooling together with almost any kind of pulsed flow sensors and with 2 or 4 wired temperature sensor pairs. Used  together with Kamstrup ultrasonic  flow sensor ULTRAFLOW®, even more advanced functions are available. On account of its pinpoint accuracy the  meter registers precise consumption throughout the whole lifetime of the meter.
The meter is maintenance-free and has a long lifetime which guarantees minimum yearly operating costs. The meter also comes with a Modbus output allowing easy connection to an ENMAT data logger for reporting to ENMAT Cloud Energy Management Software.
MULTICAL® 602 is a thermal energy meter with many applications. In addition to being a precise and reliable heat  meter for battery or mains operation, MULTICAL® 602 is also used for:
  • Cooling measurement in water-based systems
  • Bifunctional heat/cooling measurements in separate registers
  • Leak surveillance of hot and cold-water installations
  • Power and flow limiter with valve control
  • Data logger
  • Data communication
  • Energy measurement using ENMAT Energy Management Software

Friday, 22 August 2014

Gas Data Logger


Gas Data Logger
The ENMAT Lite Data Logger is a small but powerfulEthernet Data Logger unit supporting pulse outputs for a total of 3x meters. The unit support various energy types such as ElectricityGas and Water simultaneously. 
Using the pulse output of a gas meter the ENMAT Lite Data Logger stores consumption information in either Meter Cubed or Cubic Feet. This depends on whether the meter is imperial or metric.
If the meter has ‘feet’ or ‘ft3′ written on it is is imperial. If it has ‘metres’ or ‘m3′ then it is metric.
ENMAT cloud based Energy Monitoring Software converts the raw units (either ft3 or m3) to Kilowatt Hours (kWh). This is how your energy supplier should bill you. 
Monitoring your Gas Meters is an important step to managing its energy usage. “You cannot manage what you do no measure”. Combining the Gas consumption data with other driving factors, such asdegree days and or production really aids energy managers in understanding gas energy usage across a single and or multiple sites. 
The ENMAT Lite Data Loggerr has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT cloud based Energy Monitoring Software via  a CSV file which is emailed once daily.
The logger also has simple built in web pages. For a live demo of the built in web pages please click here. Alternatively, powerful cloud based Energy Monitoring Software is available with this logger. For more information on ENMAT Cloud Based Energy Monitoring Software please click here
Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows  the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.
ENMAT has a wide range of Gas Monitoring Software Charts to provide powerful reporting tools on your gas usage. Whether your gas meters are recording kWh, Meter Cubed, or Cubic Feet ENMAT will record the gas usage accordingly and can even convert measurements into kWh.
Examples of the types of powerful charts ENMAT can generate include:
Consumption kWh Bar Graphs split by day and night, clustered or stacked:


Detailed Consumption kWh Line Graphs


ENMAT_MonitorFor a full list please click here