Friday, 29 August 2014

Multical 602 Heat and Cooling Meter


MULTICAL® 602 is an all-purpose energy calculator for heat and cooling together with almost any kind of pulsed flow sensors and with 2 or 4 wired temperature sensor pairs. Used  together with Kamstrup ultrasonic  flow sensor ULTRAFLOW®, even more advanced functions are available. On account of its pinpoint accuracy the  meter registers precise consumption throughout the whole lifetime of the meter.
The meter is maintenance-free and has a long lifetime which guarantees minimum yearly operating costs. The meter also comes with a Modbus output allowing easy connection to an ENMAT data logger for reporting to ENMAT Cloud Energy Management Software.
MULTICAL® 602 is a thermal energy meter with many applications. In addition to being a precise and reliable heat  meter for battery or mains operation, MULTICAL® 602 is also used for:
  • Cooling measurement in water-based systems
  • Bifunctional heat/cooling measurements in separate registers
  • Leak surveillance of hot and cold-water installations
  • Power and flow limiter with valve control
  • Data logger
  • Data communication
  • Energy measurement using ENMAT Energy Management Software

Friday, 22 August 2014

Gas Data Logger


Gas Data Logger
The ENMAT Lite Data Logger is a small but powerfulEthernet Data Logger unit supporting pulse outputs for a total of 3x meters. The unit support various energy types such as ElectricityGas and Water simultaneously. 
Using the pulse output of a gas meter the ENMAT Lite Data Logger stores consumption information in either Meter Cubed or Cubic Feet. This depends on whether the meter is imperial or metric.
If the meter has ‘feet’ or ‘ft3′ written on it is is imperial. If it has ‘metres’ or ‘m3′ then it is metric.
ENMAT cloud based Energy Monitoring Software converts the raw units (either ft3 or m3) to Kilowatt Hours (kWh). This is how your energy supplier should bill you. 
Monitoring your Gas Meters is an important step to managing its energy usage. “You cannot manage what you do no measure”. Combining the Gas consumption data with other driving factors, such asdegree days and or production really aids energy managers in understanding gas energy usage across a single and or multiple sites. 
The ENMAT Lite Data Loggerr has a built in SMTP Email Server to send a daily report of 30 minute readings to ENMAT cloud based Energy Monitoring Software via  a CSV file which is emailed once daily.
The logger also has simple built in web pages. For a live demo of the built in web pages please click here. Alternatively, powerful cloud based Energy Monitoring Software is available with this logger. For more information on ENMAT Cloud Based Energy Monitoring Software please click here
Time Synchronisation with a built in battery which allows  the data logger to synchronise via SNTP to a time server to keep it in sync.
ENMAT has a wide range of Gas Monitoring Software Charts to provide powerful reporting tools on your gas usage. Whether your gas meters are recording kWh, Meter Cubed, or Cubic Feet ENMAT will record the gas usage accordingly and can even convert measurements into kWh.
Examples of the types of powerful charts ENMAT can generate include:
Consumption kWh Bar Graphs split by day and night, clustered or stacked:


Detailed Consumption kWh Line Graphs


ENMAT_MonitorFor a full list please click here

Friday, 15 August 2014

Energy Managers must respond to ESOS sooner rather than later
Energy Managers must respond to ESOS sooner rather than later if they are to comply with the mandatory Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme.
ESOS (The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) is a mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large undertakings and their corporate groups.

Envantage are recommending companies affected by this scheme should consider investing now before the 5th December 2015 deadline.

What must we do?
A brief overview:
  1. Measure total energy consumption across:
  2. Buildings,
  3. Transport- Freight and business travel in company and employees vehicles
  4. Industrial activities.
  5. Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations.
  6. Report compliance to the Environment Agency by 5th December 2015
Before notification to the Environment Agency, the ESOS assessment must be conducted or reviewed by a lead assessor and reviewed by a board level director.
Envantage have a wide range of solutions to help energy managers achieve the requirements for ESOS.

Please contact Envantage to discuss compliance in more detail. 

Measuring total energy consumption – Envantage remove the time consuming burden for Energy Managers collecting meter readings from many Electrical, Gas and Water supplies by implementing the Envantage ENMAT (Energy Monitoring and Targeting) solution. ENMAT is a web based, energy monitoring system presenting automated energy related data into meaningful charts and graphs. ENMAT not only reports on energy consumption, powerful alert triggers warn energy managers of consumption deviation, such as excess usage or consumption much lower than the defined baseline. Energy Targets can be implemented ensuring that Energy Managers can manage what they measure.
A range of Smart Metering and Data Logging hardware is also available.
In a survey conducted by the National Energy Foundation in partnership with the British Institute of Facilities Management at the end of 2013, the findings suggested that ‘metering and monitoring tools to help improve the use of energy are still not widely used’.
The Carbon Trust reports that large businesses have the ability to save 15% on energy bills through increased efficiency and it is ‘not uncommon’ to see this figure rise to 25%
For more information on ENMAT visit