Monday, 5 August 2013

Energy Management Systems Are Critical for Industrial Companies to Remain Competitive

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Industrial energy management systems (IEMSs), which comprise software, upfront services, and ongoing monitoring and management, enable industrial companies to advance their initiatives with regard to cost reduction and improved efficiency. In order to remain competitive or gain a competitive advantage, it is increasingly necessary for large energy users to actively manage their energy consumption and energy procurement activities. This requires detailed knowledge of ongoing energy use patterns and present and future energy consumption requirements, as well as the internal capability to act on that data.
Energy usage is now considered an important data source that can be combined with other business intelligence to provide a more holistic and complete picture of overall business performance.
An Energy Management system enables companies to bring information and knowledge of all aspects of energy-related matters into the present, where cost-effective tactics can be employed before high charges or inefficient usage occurs.
The depth of the capabilities of Energy Management solutions can vary widely. Some solutions are passive and perform only a monitoring and analysis function.
Although an Energy Management Solutions rarely control all or even major portions of an industrial process, it can provide significant input into the control processes themselves.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that Energy is one of the largest controllable expenses for your business. So you can not ignore it and taking professional views are quite beneficial in it.

    Energy Management system
